Holding Hands

We Rally at the Capitol for Those in Need February 26, 2013

We Rally at the Capitol for Those in Need February 26, 2013

Children, families and staff from our Ka Pa’alana program, as well as those from foster care, the safe house and administration took part in the PHOCUSED Advocacy Rally at the State Capitol.

PHOCUSED (Protecting Hawai’i’s Ohana Children Under-Served Elderly and Disabled) believes that if the health and human service sector stands as one and speak in one voice, then we can more effectively advocate for the people who need services. That is why organizations become members and why, together we are PHOCUSED.

Participants came with the understanding that our Legislature exists to serve all the people, so it was a wonderful learning process for many of the adults.

However, not to be denied, learning centers for our keiki were setup, and a good time was had by all!!!

Stay tuned as we are preparing for a second capitol rally on March 14th at 9:00am, in support of Early Education and particularly, Family-Child Interactive Learning (FCIL).

Join us if you can!