Holding Hands

Tūtū and Me Hilo Celebrate Graduation June 9, 2017

Tūtū and Me Hilo Celebrate Graduation June 9, 2017

We did it! Tūtū and Me Hilo finished the school year with a big celebration! We collectively honored thirty-five students. Our Pana‘ewa site congratulated twenty-four keiki and at our Waiakea site, we congratulated eleven. During our program each keiki was called by name and as they made their way down the aisle each was awarded with a certificate and makana (gift). Kumu also announced their favorite color, favorite Tūtū and Me song, one thing they will always remember, and what school they will be attending. Family and friends filled the rooms with their smiles, applause and proudly placed their beautiful lei on their keiki for their awesome success at Tūtū and Me.

The fun celebration continued as we enjoyed each other’s company and fellowship over the ‘ono food and desserts provided by our families. Keiki had much to do as they enjoyed playing with bubbles, bouncing balls, hula hoops, balance beams and more! They also enjoyed the tattoo station as they rubbed on some their favorite characters along with a photo booth. The photo booth provided a bundle of fun stick props such as funny masks, tubes, hats and cool words and phrases. As the event drew close to an end we began to say our aloha (good bye) and a hui hou (unitl we meet again) to our keiki and ‘ohana. Bitter sweet moments filled the room as we felt the big hugs and memories rush through our minds and hearts. It was a proud moment to see our keiki walk away knowing they are ready to begin a new journey of growing and learning. Every keiki is highly valued and treasured in our hearts forever. We will never forget the lessons we also learn from each keiki because as a Tūtū and Me ‘ohana, we grow and learn together. We truly enjoyed our graduation and ‘ohana day and we look forward to many more that has yet to come.

Me ke aloha pumehana, Tūtū and Me Hilo