Thrive by Five Presented by Commit to Keiki April 19, 2023
Original story published on KHON by Kelly Simek, click here to view.
Get ready for a special presentation, “Thrive by Five Presented by Commit to Keiki,” airing tomorrow on KHON2 and KHII. In this insightful episode, we’ll delve into the efforts of individuals across the state who are making significant strides in promoting mental health awareness and supporting the well-being of our children aged 0 to 5.
Living808 offers you a sneak peek at the episode, featuring a preview from Terry George and Kerrie Urosevich of Commit to Keiki. Terry explains that Commit to Keiki is a non-partisan partnership with government leaders, aiming to prioritize Hawaii’s youngest keiki in the state budget. The organization’s goals are three-fold: improving access to high-quality, affordable, and accessible childcare and early learning, reducing family violence, and strengthening the system of care for children with mental health issues.
Kerrie Urosevich adds that Commit to Keiki is a collaborative effort involving philanthropy, business owners, direct service providers, and county partners. The organization was established because Hawaii ranks 7th from the bottom in state investments in children, and they want to change that. By prioritizing young children and partnering with elected officials, Commit to Keiki aims to demonstrate the importance of investing in early childhood development.
Terry highlights the long-term benefits of supporting early childhood development, stating that it is the best single public investment for both the children and the state. Children who receive a good start in life perform better in school, are more prepared for the workforce, and demand less from state support systems.
Kerrie envisions a future where every child in Hawaii enters kindergarten ready to learn and every baby has a bright start to life. Prioritizing prevention and supporting families would significantly impact communities, workplaces, and the state at large.
Don’t miss this impactful special tomorrow, April 20th, airing at 7:30 pm on KHII and 9:30 pm on KHON2. To learn more about the invaluable work of Commit to Keiki and how you can contribute to their mission, visit their website at Join us on Living808 as we explore the essential efforts of Commit to Keiki in ensuring a brighter future for our children.