Holding Hands

Tech Together Continues to Move Forward March 14, 2014

Tech Together Continues to Move Forward March 14, 2014

Our Ka Ulu Ana Program continues to impact students in the sixth grade level, who have never had these kinds of learning experiences prior to being introduced to them by our Tech Together Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) program. Engaging them and inspiring their understanding of sustainability, both in and out of the classroom setting, the students discover the expanded possibilities of what they might aspire to be when they grow up.

Students learn about the lasting effects of non-renewable energies such as coal, natural gas, nuclear and oil, and what can be done to avoid damage to our ‘aina. They are experiencing what it means to make a difference in their environment through an understanding of the ahupua’a system, and the challenges of environmental sustainability by addressing the need for alternative sources of energy such as renewable energy, hydro, solar, biomass, geothermal, and wind and waves.

Tech Together will continue to expand its services this spring, reaching out to more schools on the islands of Kaua‘i, Moloka’i, Maui and O‘ahu, filling classrooms with fun and exciting hands-on learning STEM subjects. We all aspire to move forward in the right direction.