Holding Hands

Shelter families celebrate culture, life at annual event May 28, 2014

Shelter families celebrate culture, life at annual event May 28, 2014

On May 9, 2014 the asphalt parking lot at Hope Shelter was transformed into a cultural showcase. Ono Hawaiian food put everyone in a good mood, and the soothing music of Nānākuli Ea whet appetites for the show to come. Hawaiian, Samoan, Chuukese, and Marshallese groups shared songs and dances from their culture; their exuberant smiles revealing their pride for family traditions. Cheers and encouragement from the crowd demonstrated mutual respect and celebration of each culture. Several graduates from the father’s mentoring program, Nā ‘Ōiwi, were honored, and presented with makana which symbolized their role as Ka Pouhana (the main post) for their family. It was a beautiful night for each group to remember and honor their own traditions, and to deepen their appreciation for the culture of their neighbors.