Holding Hands

PIDF Programs Participate in Sunset on the Beach in Wai‘anae June 14, 2010

PIDF Programs Participate in Sunset on the Beach in Wai‘anae June 14, 2010

On June 12 & 13, 2010, Valley of Rainbows produced their 10th Annual Wai‘anae Coast Sunset on the Beach. Mā‘ili Beach Park seemed the perfect place to host the venue which is said to be the largest community event on the Leeward Coast – drawing in an estimated fifty thousand people total. For the first time, Partners in Development Foundation was blessed to have the opportunity to participate as an in-kind donor.

At the non-profit tent Tutu & Me had an art activity with their books and CDs on display. No Vote, No Grumble volunteers encouraged visitors to exercise their right to vote as they assisted 57 people with filling Voter Registrations and 41 with Absentee Applications. At the keiki activity tent, Ka Pa‘alana had art, science, and gross motor activities which served an estimated total of 285 keiki during the two-day event.

Mahalo to Valley of Rainbows for their dedication to making dreams come true for the youth of Wai‘anae and for their success over the past 10 years with Wai‘anae Coast’s Sunset on the Beach.

For more information about Valley of Rainbows, go to www.valleyofrainbows.org