NFPA Conference July 2, 2014
Five staff from Hui Ho‘omalu were able to attend the 2014 National Foster Parent Association (NFPA)/Florida State Foster Adaptive Parent Association (FSFAPA) National Education Conference in Orlando Florida. Irene Clements (NFPA President) wrote, “We have come together to learn, network, socialize, renew and refresh.”
All the staff that attended the conference had very good things to say about it. Sandy Salave’a stated, “It was very informational. Enjoyed it and I would go again next year. It was interesting to see how other states operate.”
Arlina Wong said, “The collective passion for kids that was brought together in that space was enlightening. It was an honor to be with all those amazing people!”
Alan Castillo expressed, “”I was so grateful to have been given the opportunity to attend the conference. Besides being able to meet some amazing people, I also was able to attend and participate in workshops that has helped to develop my professional and personal life.
The conference has allowed me an opportunity to gain a deeper perspective on foster care that will translate in my presentations and recruitment efforts. I sincerely hope to develop and foster relationships in the community that will result in a deeper awareness of resource care giving and the ways in which an individual can become involved to help support our community and youth in care.”
A thank you goes out to Victoria S. & Bradley L. Geist Foundation for financially supporting the staff to attend the conference and partake in this educational experience.