Holding Hands

Nā Pono No Nā ‘Ohana begins a new year October 14, 2010

Nā Pono No Nā ‘Ohana begins a new year October 14, 2010

Families at Nā Pono No Nā ‘Ohana (Family Education) ended a fun summer by studying the Ahupua`a and learning about Hawaiian cultural activities such as fishing, building a hale and planting and harvesting taro. They ended with great food and Hawaiian games.

The new school year began with lots of new activities for our families such as Ohana Learning days where families participate in reading stories, manipulative play, outdoor time, dramatic play, cooking, playdough and many other activities for keiki and their caregivers.

The 4 year old program helps pre-kindergarteners develop the skills they will need to become successful when they enter kindergarten.

Adult Education is a time for caregivers to learn about child development, set their own goals and take classes such as CPR.

Families have participated in some exciting field trips to Kualoa Ranch, the Discovery Museum and the Fire Station and are looking forward to many more this new school year.