Holding Hands

Living Healthy in Kapa’a and Anahola August 30, 2013

Living Healthy in Kapa’a and Anahola August 30, 2013

East Kaua‘i Tūtū and Me was happy to work in cooperation with Children’s Healthy Living Research Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific Region at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. On August 21st and 22nd Aunty Lia McCollum and her team visited the Kapa‘a and Anahola Tūtū and Me sites to teach our ‘ohana about the importance of nutrition and physical activity for young keiki to prevent obesity and obesity related health conditions.

Keiki were measured for weight, height and waist. The information gathered statewide will help to guide future children’s obesity prevention programs and policies for a healthier Hawai‘i.