Holding Hands

Ke Ao Nei off and running March 6, 2010

Ke Ao Nei off and running March 6, 2010

In January 2010, Tech Together launched KE AO NEI, a program which focuses on renewable and nonrenewable energy technology and its related physical science and math concepts. Sixth grade students, through the use of lectures, multimedia presentations, and hands-on projects, learn about (1) renewable and nonrenewable energy technology, (2) sustainability and storage requirements, (3) energy technology’s impact on ecosystems, and (4) the correlation between Hawaiian culture and current energy needs.
Classes have been completed at Maunawili Elementary School in Kailua, The Reverend Benjamin Parker Elementary School in Kaneohe, and Ka Waihona ‘O Ka Na‘auao Public Charter School in Nanakuli. The teaching teams are currently at Halau Lokahi Public Charter School (Honolulu) and Waimanalo Elementary and Middle School.

Ohana Night culminates each class session and provides students the opportunity to share their experiences and demonstrate many of the hands on learning activities with their parents and family members. A certificate of completion and goody bag are presented to each student.