Holding Hands

Ka Hana No‘eau Ends the School Year With a Body Glove Adventure June 17, 2014

Ka Hana No‘eau Ends the School Year With a Body Glove Adventure June 17, 2014

Students from Kohala, Honoka‘a, Pa‘auilo, and Konawaena, all who are program mentees of Ka Hana No‘eau, joined each other in Kailua-Kona for a day of educational learning experiences about the rich history rooted in its many miles of shoreline.

They boarded the Kanoa II and voyaged to the beautiful Kuamo‘o Point while Boyd Bond, historian and naturalist, shared about the different ahupua‘a along the coast and their unique features that make them sacred. He took the students on a journey back in time, when ancient, powerful Kings ruled the rugged and fertile terrain.

It was a fun packed Body Glove adventure day with snorkeling and stand-up paddle boarding at the beautiful Coral Domes dive spot off of the Kuamo‘o Coast.