Holding Hands

‘Ike Ea on the Leeward Coast of Oahu December 2, 2009

‘Ike Ea on the Leeward Coast of Oahu December 2, 2009

The ‘Ike Ea Program continued its goal of teaching Engineering and Electronics on two leeward coast schools. The ‘Ike Ea teaching team taught at Nanakuli Elementary School and Ka Waihona ‘O Ka Na’auao Public Charter School on September 19 to 29 and October 3 to 19, respectively. Daily hands-on activities such as, popsicle stick bridge building with a 50 lbs. load test, egg drop, circuits and model house wiring, helped reinforce the concepts learned during the lecture part of the course. A total of five classes with 128 students on both schools participated in the program. Students were recognized with their efforts with a certificate and goody bags. The students also showcased their projects during the scheduled family at the last day of each schools session.