Holding Hands

Hui Hoʻomalu Takes the Fright out of Foster Care November 6, 2018

Hui Hoʻomalu Takes the Fright out of Foster Care November 6, 2018

Last week, Hui Hoʻomalu participated in the Fall Fest at Moanalua Gardens Missionary Church. The free, annual block party is held every year on Halloween.

Over 2,000 people came out to the event for some “non-scary non-scandalous” fun. This year there were food trucks, horses, carnival rides, face painting, free flu shots and of course, games. Hui Hoʻomalu had their own game for keiki at their booth, and information on foster care for parents and other caregivers.

“We’re here tonight at this festival because it’s a family event,” said Cindy Holloway, a Recruitment Assistant and trainer with Hui Hoʻomalu. “What we’re looking for is families that can take in children who need… a temporary home for them when they can’t be their own family.”

Despite it being the night of fright, the event’s “non-scary” aspect extended to foster care. A resource caregiver (foster parent) herself, Cindy, along with Community Liaison Carol Hayashida, had plenty of information and advice to offer potential resource families.

Hui Hoʻomalu was created to help enhance and advance Hawaiʻi’s foster care system. This program recruits, trains, and assesses families who wish to become “General Licensed” resource caregivers — those who foster children not related to them.

For more information on how to help keiki in need and becoming a Resource Caregiver, visit the main program page here.