Fostering Begins Here July 1, 2021

Fostering Begins Here July 1, 2021

In the last 15 years our Hui Hoʻomalu Foster Care Program served Hawaiʻi’s keiki in foster care by recruiting, training and assessing general license Resource Caregiver (Foster Parent) applicants. Not only has our team educated, recruited, and trained resource caregivers, but they, along side community agencies and partners, have truly paved the way for the success we see in foster care today.

Today, we are excited to share that Hui Hoʻomalu will refocus our services and will now be known as Project Pilina! In partnership with the State Department of Human Services, #PIDFoundation’s foster care project will highlight educating and recruiting potential foster care families. We also express our gratitude for the key community partners and team players who have worked with us as Hui Hoʻomalu. We look forward to continuing working with you and making even more meaningful Pilina (connections) with others.

In Hawaiʻi, there are approximately 1,500 keiki in foster care on any given day. Finding loving homes for keiki starts with education and recruitment. That’s why with Project Pilina, Fostering Begins Here. Join us for the journey, and stay updated on our social media and online. Find out more, here.

Mahalo piha to our Hui Hoʻomalu team— we wish you the best in your future huakaʻi!