Family Organizes Neighborhood Fundraiser June 10, 2015
To whom it may concern:
Our family is very grateful for the work and efforts of Partners In Development Foundation. Our son Casden attended the Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool this past year and had a fabulous experience. Just the other day he asked us, “When Tūtū and Me ends, can I sign up for it again?” That was a sure sign to us that he enjoyed the program. The teachers at the Pauoa site were organized and enthusiastic and made us feel welcome and comfortable from the start. We were impressed by their sincere interest in the children and the program. Throughout the school year they provided the children with interesting projects and learning activities. We will always be grateful for the privilege we had of participating in Tūtū and Me.
Last weekend we held a fundraiser at our home to raise money for the homeless and foster children that PIDF supports. Over 30 families joined us for a Kids Carnival. Our intent in planning the Kids Carnival was to encourage our children and their friends to think of others and to provide them with an opportunity to raise funds that would totally benefit others. Through the generous support of friends and family we raised $751.
We hope that the funds will be used to positively impact the lives of children in a individual way. One way we thought funds could be used is to celebrate the birthdays of children who otherwise may not have their birthdays celebrated or remembered. During the holidays children in need are often remembered through toy drives and other service projects, but their birthdays may be overlooked. We feel it is important to help children know that their birth on this earth and their existence is important and worth celebrating. Your leaders may know of other ways the funds may be used to bless the lives of children in a personal and meaningful way.
Please know that the great work you do to serve different segments of the community in Hawai’i is recognized and appreciated.
With much aloha,
The Chow ‘Ohana
Carter, Sarah, Kaia and Casden