Early childhood consultant has impactful experience February 12, 2015
Early childhood consultant, Judy Jablon, recently visited one of our Tutu and Me programs and was blessed with an experience that was far beyond amazing.
It all started when she arrived on site at our Pauoa program where she was able to see how the structure of our early education program is very different from the rest.
Our Tutu and Me model is structured so that our staff actually travel to many different sites around the state to provide high quality education for children and their family who might not otherwise have such an opportunity.
Jablon saw how our staff’s intentional action fosters participation and engagement at very high levels. Our staff encourages families to use the resources at each of the sensory learning stations along with the academic material as they interact with their children from one station to the next.
Find out how you can visit a Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool near you!