Create Games From Household Chores June 12, 2015
When we allow our keiki to have responsibilities at home, it teaches them that their contributions are meaningful, and helps them know that they are an important member of your family. Simple chores give children a sense of purpose and helps them develop skills and confidence. Here are a few chores that can be turned into games:
1) Sock-toss game: Give keiki clean socks when they come out of the dryer and an empty laundry basket. Show keiki how to match the socks, then roll them into a ball. Next, have keiki toss them into the basket, and cheer each time they land inside!
2) Clean-up race: Divide a pile of toys on the floor between 2 or 3 keiki, giving the older keiki a few extra. Set a kitchen timer for 5 minutes to see who can put their toys away first.
3) First to the table race: Once keiki are out of bed, set a timer to see who will make their bed and get to the breakfast table first. The winner gets to eat from a “special” plate.