Holding Hands

CNHA Conference August 28, 2009

CNHA Conference August 28, 2009

Tech Together Presents at CNHA Conference
Kaleo Iwasaki, Program Manager for Tech Together, was one of three guest speakers presenting their programs’ success at the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement’s Annual Conference held at the Hawaii Convention Center. The panel also included Momi Akana, of Keiki o ka ‘Aina and Ka‘ohua Lucas of Pacific American Foundation.

All three organizations are grantees of the U.S. DOE through the Native Hawaiian Education Act, which has enabled organizations to provide unique ways to enhance the learning of Native Hawaiian children and families. Kaleo was able to showcase Tech Together and ‘Ike Ea’s success in a five-minute slide show presentation and video of students in their school classroom learning basic electronics and engineering using hands-on projects.