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Pāʻina Celebrates Boys’ Success November 12, 2019

Pāʻina Celebrates Boys’ Success November 12, 2019

Last week, our Ke Kama Pono Boys Safehouse program held its annual Pāʻina celebration. Eight young men were recognized that evening for their hard work in completing the Ke Kama Pono program for adjudicated youth.

Kālua pork served at the event had been prepared by the boys through an imu they carried out prior, a regular part of the activities done at Ke Kama Pono to reinforce teamwork and Hawaiian culture — and to have a little fun.

The boys performed an oli, gave presentations about their work and experiences at the Safehouse, and talked about their futures. It was an inspiring event and we were grateful for the opportunity to bring together the boys, their families, and the Ke Kama Pono staff and partners.

Mahalo nui loa to all of the staff, judges, officers, teachers, and others who make this incredible program possible!