Census Rally Shows Importance of Count January 14, 2020
Today representatives from Partners in Development Foundation (PIDF) and We Are Oceania (WAO) participated in a rally for the 2020 census at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol building.
Put on in part by the U.S. Census Bureau, the Hawaii Community Foundation, Pacific Resource Partnership, Hawaii Executive Collaborative, and the Hawaiʻi Government Complete Count Committee, the free event featured a short program, live entertainment, and bento lunches.
Some of our partners and other local organizations were also there to table and present information about how the census impacts us all. Census recruiters informed participants about the benefits of working with the Census Bureau to facilitate an accurate count in their communities.
We mahalo all the organizations and people involved in making this event possible, and were grateful to be part of it!
For more information, visit https://census.hawaii.gov/